Portuguese English Italian


Mission of the Passionist Education Network:
Educating for life and happiness, inspiring and forming citizens committed to academic excellence and integral development. Guiding, through the experience of kindness, firmness and competence, to promote a transforming and meaningful education.
Vision of the Passionist Education Network:
To be a reference in the comprehensive education of children and young people, becoming a nationally and internationally recognized network of excellence. Inspired by love, respect and dialogue, being protagonists in the construction of a more solidary, reflective and sustainable society, where each individual can develop his potential as a transforming agent of his own life and of society.
Values of the Passionist Education Network:
1- Human-Christian Values: We base our practices on values such as kindness, firmness and competence, inspired by Christian teachings.
2- Excellence: We seek academic excellence and constant improvement to offer the best educational training to our students.
3- Interpersonal Relationships: We value healthy relationships, based on respect, dialogue, responsibility, justice, solidarity and affection, cultivating a welcoming and harmonious environment.
4- Integral Development: We seek the integral development of our students, stimulating academic, emotional, social and ethical aspects.
5- Training Committed Citizens: We want to train conscious, ethical and responsible citizens, capable of contributing positively to society.
6- Innovation: We always seek to be up to date with the best educational practices and technological innovations to make learning more engaging and effective.
Educating for Life and Happiness: Providing an education that goes beyond the classroom, preparing students to be happy and fulfilled in their personal and professional journeys.
Based on our mission, vision and values, Rede Passionista de Educação is dedicated to offering a transformative education that inspires our students to be agents of change and to achieve happiness and fulfillment in their lives.
Passionista Education Network
Província de SP: Rua Cônego Eugênio Leite, 845 - Pinheiros - São Paulo - SP
CEP 05414-000
Província do PR: Rua Bom Jesus, 881 - A - Cabral - Curitiba - PR
CEP 80035-010
Província do DF: Qn 05 Área Especial 02/03 - Riacho Fundo I - DF
CEP 71805-432
  •   SP  (11) 3087-2400
  •   PR  (41) 3352-2021
  •   DF  (61) 3399-5329
Delta Tech - Gerenciamento de Conteúdo