Child Protection Association - SP

Street: Conego Eugênio Leite, 845, Pinheiros - São Paulo - SP
Phone: (5511) 3087-2400

SOCIAL ACTION PROJECT: Service of Protection and Assistance to families and individuals. We handle emergency situations: food, hygiene materials, cleaning materials, various referral to social assistance network, guidance and support to families and individuals. Being a space of reference and support to families and individuals.
Basic social protection includes the Integral Attention Program for families and carries out a social work to strengthen family ties, prevention, social protection and guarantee of rights.
It is intended for the population living in situations of social vulnerability due to poverty, deprivation (lack of income, precarious or nil access to public services, among others) and, or, weakening of affective relationships - relational and social belonging (age discrimination , ethnic, gender or disability, among others).
Our service is carried out in partnership with CRAS Pinheiros, located at Rua Morato Coelho, 104 São Paulo / SP, with reference neighborhoods such as Pinheiros, Alto de Pinheiros, Jardim Paulista and Itaim Bibi, as well as the National Assistance Policy Social Assistance System (SUAS) and specific legislations of the area of action, given the specific service unit. Being a service of coexistence and strengthening of family bond.

Target Audience:

  • Families in situations of social vulnerability due to poverty, precarious or nil access to public services, the weakening of bonds of belonging and sociability.
  • Young people and adults in unemployment situation.


Passionista Lareira São José
Street: Antônio Simplício, 05, Jd. Tremembé - São Paulo - SP
Phone: (11) 2203-2902
RESIDENCE OF ELDERLY SISTERS: integral care for elderly Passionista sisters or in health treatment. They lived in personal care (health, food, housing, coexistence, spirituality, etc.) providing a dignified and quality life for the sisters who built and started all this beautiful work.
SOCIAL ACTION PROJECT: Service of Protection and Assistance to families and individuals. We intend to provide assistance to emergencies: food, hygiene materials, cleaning materials, various referral to social assistance network, guidance and support to families and individuals. Being a space of reference and support to families and individuals.
The families are registered and accompanied by the social service in the project of emergency care to the families, with the donation of food basket and items of personal hygiene and cleaning. Impacting an average of 60 people in the month.
On the day of service, various referrals are made to a social assistance service network and a mini-seminar is held, with subjects pertinent to citizenship, education, information about social programs (Bolsa Família), labor market, etc.
CAPACITAR PROJECT: Service of coexistence and strengthening of family bond, as a response to the project of emergency assistance to families.
It focuses on strengthening family and community coexistence and the contribution to the return or permanence of adolescents and young people in school, through the development of activities that stimulate social coexistence, citizen participation and general training for the world of work.
As well as ensuring that the young people and adults are free courses offered to the community, according to the interest, because they are safe and in a learning environment, preventing exposure to risk, vulnerability, violence, drug addiction, etc.
Offer free courses according to the interest and demand of the community. The courses aim at the professionalization and emancipation of the people, among the possibilities we present the courses: caregiver of the elderly, administrative assistant, youth and adult literacy (referral to social assistance network), sewing and small repairs, hairdressing, cooking, hair removal, designer manicure, pedicure and nail decoration, makeup, telemarketing, handicrafts (slipper embroidered with stones, key chains, EVA flowers, giftware, canvas painting, biscuit), embroidery (macrame, stitch cross stitch, straight stitch and ribbon embroidery).
Target audience: children, adolescents, youth and adults. families in situations of vulnerability and / or risk.
Passionista Rectory São Vicente de Paulo
Av. Pedro Hortal, 1620 - Centro, Bebedouro - SP
Phone: (17) 3342-1423
Institutional Reception Program for the Elderly
Reception of men and women aged 60 and over, of both sexes, independent and / or with varying degrees of dependency.
Today we are serving 60 elderly people of both sexes.
The service is composed of the SPECIAL SOCIAL PROTECTION OF HIGH COMPLEXITY of the National Policy of Social Assistance.
Beyond the legal framework established for the care of the elderly, the Passionista Sisters add a charitable, supportive, and familiar look through existing legislation, such as the National Elderly Policy (1994) and the Elderly Statute (2003). The aim is to guarantee the rights of the elderly, with gentleness and affection.
Target Audience:
Elderly people with sixty years of age and older, of both sexes, independent and / or with degrees of dependencies one and two, with broken or fragilized family ties, in situation of vulnerability and social exclusion, coming from the different districts of the municipality of Bebedouro / SP.
"The best age is when we do not count the time, but when we live the time (...)". Mário Quintana.