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History of the Net

Rede Passionista de Educação carries with it a deeply inspiring history that transcends borders. Our origin dates back to a historical moment when education emerged as an urgent need. Therefore, we are born educators!
Present in 11 cities in Brazil and in more than 28 countries, our trajectory is inspired by the welcoming vision of our founder, Maria Madalena Frescobaldi Capponi, who, on March 15, 1815, in the city of Florence, Italy, began our journey with a noble purpose: to welcome young students, coming from the poorest class of society, vulnerable and affected by the Napoleonic war.
Her charismatic pedagogy, based on the certainty that God created people to be happy in this life and in the next, guides our educators and Sisters in a unique pedagogical practice. Mary Magdalene, woman, mother, wife and grandmother, brought in her heart a deep human sensitivity and a special connection with God. This extraordinary educator based her pedagogy on kindness and firmness, inspired by the "Memory of the Passion of Jesus and the pains of Our Lady", maximum expressions of God's love, thus giving rise to the Passionist Pedagogy of the Encounter.
Today, as Passionist Sisters (from the Imaculado Coração de Maria Province, located in Curitiba, Paraná), we proudly follow in the footsteps of our founder, carrying forward her pedagogical practice in all our educational activities in the Passionist Network. As protagonists of the future, we welcome changes, respond to challenges and activate potential to prepare a post-modern generation in constant evolution. We are committed to upgrading our organizations and institutions to provide a relevant and meaningful education for our students.
Together, as one big Passionist family, we seek to inspire and empower our students to find their happiness and fulfill their dreams, making them aware, committed and confident citizens to face the world with compassion and wisdom.
Welcome to a journey of learning and growth at Rede Passionista de Educação, where our history intertwines with the future, shaping minds and hearts for a better world.
Passionista Education Network
Província de SP: Rua Cônego Eugênio Leite, 845 - Pinheiros - São Paulo - SP
CEP 05414-000
Província do PR: Rua Bom Jesus, 881 - A - Cabral - Curitiba - PR
CEP 80035-010
Província do DF: Qn 05 Área Especial 02/03 - Riacho Fundo I - DF
CEP 71805-432
  •   SP  (11) 3087-2400
  •   PR  (41) 3352-2021
  •   DF  (61) 3399-5329
Delta Tech - Gerenciamento de Conteúdo