The Story of Transformation: Congregation of Passionist Sisters
More than two centuries ago, in Florence, Italy, a notable chapter of history began with the foundation of the Congregation of the Passionist Sisters of São Paulo da Cruz, on March 17, 1815. The Marchioness Maria Madalena Frescobaldi Capponi was the visionary for behind this journey of love and compassion, with the profession of the first four Religious: Veronica, Gertrudes, Crucifixa and Cleofe. Inspired by the Charisma of Remembrance of the Passion of Jesus and the Sorrows of the Most Holy Mary, these women had a noble purpose - to re-educate young people and prostituted women, so that they could recover their dignity and reintegrate into society.
Maria Madalena, when contacting the Passionist Fathers, requested the aggregation of spiritual goods for her Religious Family, and her request was granted. She also wanted her Sisters to live the same Charism as the Nuns and Missionaries founded by St. Paul of the Cross, insisting that he be considered the founder of the Sisters. Interestingly, Maria Madalena Frescobaldi Capponi was only four years old when São Paulo da Cruz died.
In 1902, this beautiful story gained a new chapter when Senhor Simas Pimenta and his wife, Dona Maria Pimenta, founded the Abrigo Santa Maria in São Paulo, welcoming orphaned girls and those who needed care and protection. In 1914, the path towards Brazil began to take shape, with the invitation made by the Passionist Fathers to the Congregation to take care of this shelter in the city of São Paulo.
Thus, on October 18, 1919, Anunciata Inanzi, Boaventura Sabani and Águeda Lopai left Italy for Brazil, as the first Sisters to leave their homeland for missions abroad. This arrival took place shortly after the 1st World War, which left its marks in Brazil, but the determination of the Passionist Sisters remained unshakable. Welcomed with joy by the Passionist Fathers and Mr. Simas Pimenta, they soon went to São Paulo and began their journey at the Shelter, where they were received by the students.
The first months were challenging, with a lot of work, homesickness and the need to adapt to the climate, language, food and local customs. In February 1920, five candidates for Passionist religious life joined the mission, coming from Colombo, Paraná. On May 3, 1921, the first four Brazilian Sisters - Maria Bordignon, Catarina Fiorese, Maria Busato and Jacomina Lovato - took their vows, beginning a period of growth and expansion of the Congregation in Brazil, overcoming the poverty and difficulties that faced. Throughout these early years, the local community and the Passionist Fathers were instrumental in offering support and assistance.
The Congregation continued to prosper, and in 1926, Mother Annunziata Innanzi was elected head of the Congregation in Brazil. That same year, new foundations were established in Curitiba and Colombo. In 1931, the Province of São Gabriel da Virgen Dolorosa was created, with 37 professed religious, with Mother Annunziata Innanzi as Provincial, consolidating growth in all aspects.
Today, with immense pride, the Passionist Sisters administer thirty-six Works in different Brazilian states, covering São Paulo, Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Paraná, Federal District, Mato Grosso, Goiás, Bahia and Piauí. These works are present in twenty-seven municipalities, distributed in three Provinces: São Gabriel da Virgen Dolorosa (SP), Imaculado Coração de Maria (PR) and Maria Rainha da Paz (DF).
The story of the Passionist Sisters is a story of transformation, dedication and love for others. Their journey continues, driven by the charisma that has guided them since their foundation, seeking to contribute to a more just and fraternal world, bringing education and compassion to all who cross the path of the Passionist Congregation.
Be part of this story, walk with us and discover the power of passion in making a difference.