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Social Works - Goias

CCA - House of Children and Adolescents
Address: Rua 70, nº 10 - CEP: 72930-000 - ALEXÂNIA - GO
Phone: (62) 3336-1185
Networking Mission in the Perspective of Inclusive Education
Basic social protection, socioeducative care of children and adolescents and the service of coexistence and strengthening of bonds.
The Child and Adolescent House is a space for prevention, support and promotion of children and adolescents assisted in order to minimize or extinguish the various forms of exposure of children and adolescents, the situations of personal and social risk they present. In this way, recreational, sporting, recreational, cultural and citizenship activities are carried out, as well as digital inclusion, preparation for the labor market (through ball and hand gear workshops).
According to the national social assistance policy, our institution fulfills an important role of social inclusion of children and adolescents in socio-educational activities, in basic social protection, in the service of coexistence and strengthening of bonds.
We are located in Alexânia state of Goiás, near Brasília / DF. Although close to large centers, the city presents a situation of increasing vulnerability, lack of resources and opportunities for the population.
Families have a high number of children, with low income per capita, and in relation to the labor market there are only two major trade fronts in the municipality, Kirin Brazil (beverage factory) and Outlet ); other job opportunities take place in Brasília and Anápolis or in small family businesses.
Children and adolescents due to the needs of the municipality are exposed to personal and social risk, as well as situations of vulnerability.
In this way, our work aims at the prevention, support and promotion of the children and adolescents served.
In order to achieve our goals, we offer free courses with children and adolescents, in the school shift:
Manufacture of handmade balls. They are workshops held with boys, aiming at human training and professional education. The production carried out by the adolescents has a financial incentive and awards. Aiming at their permanence in the project and contributing to their personal development process.
Manual arts workshops are held with girls, aiming at human training and development of their manual skills, such as handmade cross stitch and vagonite making. Their productions serve as showcases so they can be reproduced when they wish and for festive gifts for their relatives.
Digital Inclusion "Centrinho".
The computer room and library is open, open to the community with guidance and support from the educator. The space aims at education and digital inclusion, human training and computer support to those who need it. Being open to children, adolescents and young people.
Target Audience:
Children, adolescents and young people, of both sexes, in the age group from 07 to 17 years exposed to situations of risk and social vulnerability.
Low-income families that present difficulties to accompany and educate their children.
Talitha Kum House of Children and Adolescents
Rua: 02 nº 846, Qd A 21 Lt.07, Bairro Jardim Goiás in the municipality of Goiânia, Goiás
Phone: (62) 3218-2070
Institutional Hosting
The program offers institutional shelter for female children and adolescents between the ages of 10 and 18 and, exceptionally, their children, in Special Highly Complex Social Protection - removed from family life by means of a protective measure of shelter, due to abandonment or whose families or caregivers are temporarily unable to fulfill their care and protection function until it is possible to return to the family with the family of origin or, if not possible, referral to a surrogate family or in the case of young people, which is the majority , who complete the majority, they will assume their own life trajectory.
In most cases, the children and adolescents in question are: street children, drug addiction, prostitution, sexual abuse, trafficking, small offenses, as well as exposure to personal and social risk. Added to the situation of neglect, neglect and ill-treatment of the family of origin.
The guiding line of the institutional reception work is the memory Memoria Passionis, present in the educational service, as an example of our founder Maria Madalena Frescobaldi, who attentive to the emergent appeals of the society of her time, welcomes in the marginalization the woman dominated by prostitution, this being an invitation from the Spirit for its performance and repair. In this way, his goal was to bring people back to the heart of Christ, but not only to his own heart, to the heart of society, to the heart of the universe.
With this perspective and inspiration to the Light of the Charism of the Passionista Sisters of St. Paul


Passionista Education Network
Província de SP: Rua Cônego Eugênio Leite, 845 - Pinheiros - São Paulo - SP
CEP 05414-000
Província do PR: Rua Bom Jesus, 881 - A - Cabral - Curitiba - PR
CEP 80035-010
Província do DF: Qn 05 Área Especial 02/03 - Riacho Fundo I - DF
CEP 71805-432
  •   SP  (11) 3087-2400
  •   PR  (41) 3352-2021
  •   DF  (61) 3399-5329
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